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Southend-on-Sea City Council
Infrastructure Delivery Plan

DAC Planning and Arup are working together to produce the Southend Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Developers Guide to Infrastructure Standards and Contributions for Southend-on-Sea City Council in support of the emerging Local Plan.


Infrastructure Delivery Plan

The team produced a baseline assessment of existing infrastructure and shared the document with key stakeholders, council officers and infrastructure providers for feedback. We held online workshops with council officers and infrastructure providers to present the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. 

Developer Contributions Guide

We are producing a Developer Contributions Guide to replace the Council’s existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document. The Guide will provide developers with a clear and up to date understanding of the standards for the provision of infrastructure, and the extent of developer contributions towards new and improved infrastructure expected to support development proposals in the area. 


The project team are producing an IDP and Developers Guide to support the Regulation 18 Southend Local Plan and will update the IDP and Developer Contributions Guide for Regulation 19 Publication.

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