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Arun Local Plan Support

DAC Planning supported the Council through the Independent Examination of the Local Plan in 2016 and 2017.  David Coleman jointly led the Council team through the later stages of the independent examination, including hearing sessions. We were later commissioned by the Council in 2020 to assist with scoping the update to the Local Plan. 


Housing Strategy

We helped establish a Developer Forum and produced a Housing Implementation Strategy incorporating a 'stepped' trajectory.

Infrastructure Planning and Duty to Cooperate

We advised and supported the Council in holding complex Infrastructure Planning and Duty to Cooperate discussions with neighbouring authorities and infrastructure providers.

Independent Examination

We led and advised the Council team through the later stages of the Independent Examination.  This included commissioning updates to evidence base studies, producing extensive main modifications and representing the Council at Examination hearings.


In July 2018 the Council received the final report from the Planning Inspector concluding that the Plan is sound, subject to main modifications. The Plan was adopted in the same month.


We continued our work with the Council from 2020, when we were commissioned by the Council to assist with scoping the update to the Local Plan. The team advised and supported the process to determine an updated vision and objectives.

© 2023 by DAC Planning Ltd.

Registered address - 1st Floor, 11 Freeport Office Village, Century Drive, Braintree, Essex, CM77 8YG.

VAT registration number: 237856373

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