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Latest News

Explore our 'latest news' page to stay informed about our recent activities, community initiatives and planning updates. 

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Read our latest newsletter

We have just released our Christmas Newsletter, detailing the latest updates from DAC Planning. You can find out more about our Green Belt Review projects, and our training initiatives through Pathways to Planning.


If you would like to join our mailing list, please scroll down to sign up.



Read our latest newsletter

We have just released our Summer newsletter, detailing the latest updates from DAC Planning. In our latest edition, you can find out more about our latest projects, our training offer and our work with Anglia Ruskin University to support the next generation of planners. 


If you would like to join our mailing list, you can sign up here



Implementation of plan-making reforms consultation response

We have responded to the Government’s consultation on the implementation of the parts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill which relate to plan-making.

The response draws on our wealth of experience in supporting and advising on local plan preparation nationally. You can read the executive summary of our response here.


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RTPI East of England Award - June 2023

We are thrilled to have been awarded the RTPI East of England Planning Excellence Awards 2023 for Small Planning Consultancy of the Year.  We are a strong team of skilled and dedicated planners who are passionate about the work that we do. We are supported by a great network of advisors and associates who share our vision. Check out the RTPI website for the judges' comments.

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Wirral Local Plan -
October 2022

DAC Planning is delighted to have supported Wirral Council in producing the Wirral Local Plan Submission Draft for Submission. This marks a major milestone for the Council in the progression of the long-awaited Local Plan, which once adopted, will replace the Unitary Development Plan adopted in 2000.


The DAC Planning team has played a key role in the progression of the Local Plan since summer 2020, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Council as the Plan progresses towards examination and adoption over the coming months.

Image by BuyandRent Homes

Response to the NPPF Consultation

DAC Planning has recently submitted a response to the NPPF consultation.


Read our detailed views on the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and the broader changes to the planning system here.



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RTPI East of England Awards

We are pleased to have received a commendation in the category of Small Planning Consultancy of the Year for the East of England at the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence. This is our third time being shortlisted in this category. The award recognises the hard work and dedication of our staff and we extend our congratulations to all the winners and participants.


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RTPI National Award Finalist

We are thrilled to announce we have been shortlisted as finalists for the national RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence. This follows our regional success as RTPI Small Planning Consultancy of the Year for the East of England. The award recognises the hard work and dedication of our staff members and our place in the final marks a significant achievement for the team.


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PAS Chief Planners & Rising Stars Conference - March 2023

DAC Planning Director David Coleman presented at the PAS Chief Planners and Rising Stars Conference on 2 March 2023 in Sheffield. David discussed the transitional arrangements announced in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.


A copy of the slides is available to download here


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Essex County Council Minerals Local Plan - October 2022

DAC Planning have recently been commissioned by Essex County Council to provide support on the review and update of the Essex Minerals Plan. The Plan was adopted in July 2014.

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Proposed changes to the NPPF and plan-making

Major proposed revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the planning system were published for consultation on 30th July 2024.


What do these proposed changes mean for plan-makers? We provide a summary of the implications in our latest blog post.​​​



Read our latest newsletter

We have just released our Spring newsletter, detailing the latest updates from DAC Planning. In our latest edition, you can find out more about our latest projects, including the Pathways to Planning Learning and Development programme.


If you would like to join our mailing list, you can sign up here​




Read our latest newsletter

We have just released our Autumn newsletter, detailing the latest updates from DAC Planning. In our latest edition, you can find out more about our new team member, our latest project work and how we can help you.


If you would like to join our mailing list to receive our quarterly newsletter by email, you can sign up here


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Newsletter -
December 2022

Its been a busy year here at DAC Planning, and we are very proud to share with you a round up of projects and company updates in our December 2022 Newsletter.


DAC Planning wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and look forward to working with you in 2023.



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Lewes and Eastbourne CIL & S106 - Aug 2022

DAC Planning is delighted to announce that we have been commissioned to provide ongoing CIL and S106 support to Lewes and Eastbourne Councils.


We are excited to start work with the team, bringing with us our breadth of knowledge, skills and experience.

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