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Local Authorities

How we can help

We specialise in local authority support, placing the community's needs at the heart of our approach. We have extensive experience working in and with local authorities and therefore understand the challenges you face, from competing demands to complex problems and tight timescales.

We use our substantial proficiency and capacity to provide adaptable, short and long-term assistance to enable local authorities to overcome these challenges. Our diverse offer ranges from advice and support to representation at consultation events, planning appeals and Local Plan Independent Examinations.



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Local Plans

We can add significant expertise and capacity to provide both short and long term support to local authorities producing Local Plans.

We can:

  • Offer expert advice, capacity building and problem solving.

  • Offer comprehensive project management services.

  • Undertake research to inform decision making, policy production and the production of evidence base documents. 

  • Produce Infrastructure Delivery Plans.

  • Produce Green Belt Reviews and identify ‘grey belt’.

  • Support and coordinate effective strategic planning and meeting the Duty to Cooperate.

  • Produce Housing Delivery Strategies and five year land supply statements.

  • Draft planning policies, supporting text, consultation documents and supporting material.

  • Prepare, undertake and analyse the results of consultations on draft plans, reporting on the outcomes. 

  • Represent the Council at Independent Examination, consultation events, and stakeholder meetings.

  • Introduce service improvement measures and prepare for Local Plan implementation.

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Neighbourhood Planning

We have extensive experience in supporting community groups, reviewing emerging Plans, and supporting Neighbourhood Plan progression from a local authority perspective. On your behalf, we can: 


  • Offer expert advice and problem solving to local communities. 

  • Support the production of draft Neighbourhood Plans and associated evidence base documents.

  • Support the production of consultation statements and basic conditions statements. 

  • Produce Council reports and examination statements on matters relating to the progression of Neighbourhood Plans.

  • Represent the Council at Examination, consultation events, and stakeholder meetings relating to Neighbourhood Plans.​

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Infrastructure  Plans

We know how important it is to have an up-to-date Infrastructure  Plan alongside your Local Plan. On your behalf, we can:


  • Undertake research and focused consultation with infrastructure providers and key stakeholders.

  • Establish mechanisms for the funding and delivery of infrastructure.

  • Work with statutory agencies to secure infrastructure funding.

  • Draft the Infrastructure Plan.

  • Collate and analyse consultation representations, and report on the outcomes of a consultation.

  • Represent the Council at stakeholder meetings.

  • Present the emerging Plan at various stages at Council meetings, public meetings, and developer forums.​

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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

We can support you to bring forward a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule quickly and effectively. On your behalf, we can:

  • Offer expert advice and problem solving.

  • Undertake research to inform decision making and the production of evidence base documents.

  • Draft the Charging Schedule, supporting text, consultation documents and supporting material.

  • Collate and analyse consultation representations, and reporting on the outcomes of a consultations.

  • Commission expert financial viability support or other specialisms on behalf of the Council.

  • Produce evidence base documents on a range of subjects, reports to support decision making, and examine statements.

  • Represent the Council at Independent Examination, consultation events, and stakeholder meetings.

Planning Applications and Appeals

With our extensive experience in assessing and reviewing major development proposals, and our understanding of the planning system, we are ideally placed to support Councils through the planning appeal process.


Our support offer includes providing advice and guidance throughout the planning appeal process, including expert witness services.

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“Work was of a high standard and delivered on time. They provided excellent advice and were treated as a team member rather than arms length consultancy."

Castle Point Borough Council

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