Local Communities
How we can help
We understand that the planning system can be complicated and daunting, particularly for local communities when faced with the potential for significant change through proposals within emerging Local Plans or planning applications from developers.
We can provide the advice and support needed to help manage the planning of your neighbourhood. Our services range from providing advice on planning applications and representation at planning appeals, to providing the guidance which your community needs to successfully progress a Neighbourhood Plan. We are uniquely placed in offering our services solely to you and to local authorities, thereby avoiding conflicts of interest with developers and ensuring that the needs of the community are at the heart of our approach.
Neighbourhood Plans
Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to develop a shared vision and shape the development and growth of their local area. Producing a neighbourhood plan is a big commitment and we can help you navigate this process.
We can help you by:
Offering expert advice on best practice and procedure.
Producing surveys and facilitating community engagement.
Drafting policies particularly related to your aims.
Facilitating vision, objectives and policy drafting workshops.
Reviewing emerging drafts of your Neighbourhood Plan.
Producing associated evidence base documents.
Producing the Consultation Statement and Basic Conditions Statement.
Advising during the submission and examination of the Plan.
Planning Applications and Appeals
Responding to planning proposals can be a daunting process, especially when the proposal is set to have far-reaching impacts.
To ensure the best outcome for your community, we offer support by:
Reviewing and assessing the impact of planning applications.
Assisting you in responding to planning applications through the statutory processes.
Providing expert advice and guidance throughout the planning appeal process.
Representing your community at planning appeals, Local Plan examinations or Council meetings.