Kelvedon Parish Council Strategic Planning Application support
In 2021, DAC Planning was commissioned by Kelvedon Parish Council to provide planning advice in regards to strategic planning applications on land within the Parish.
Project Management
This involves project planning the review of the Minerals Plan by producing a project plan, overseeing the tasks of the minerals team, overseeing the commissioning of consultants, assessing the existing capacity of the team and considering whether additional capacity is required to support the production of the Minerals Plan, and estimating budgets for the production of the Minerals and Plan and associated evidence base documents.
Critical Friend Support
We are providing critical friend support by helping to draft minerals policies, reviewing topic papers, producing evidence base briefs including climate change evidence, site assessment study and safeguarding sites and advising on the procurement process. We are reviewing topic papers produced on each section of the adopted Minerals Plan. The topic papers summarise responses to the Minerals Plan Review consultation and will inform the next stage of the Minerals Plan.
DAC Planning will continue to support the Parish Council with future strategic planning applications on land within the Parish.