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Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
The Leverhulme Inquiry

DAC Planning was commissioned by Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council to act as expert witness on prematurity at a public inquiry for proposals for residential development on seven separate sites in the Green Belt. 


DAC Planning acted on behalf of Wirral Metropolitan District Council as expert witness on prematurity at a public inquiry for proposals for residential development on seven separate sites in the Green Belt. The planning applications proposed the delivery of nearly 800 homes.

The inquiry coincided with the commencement of the local plan examination, for which DAC was also providing Local Plan support. DAC Planning worked closely with Council officers and Counsel to build a robust and defensible case for the appeal.


DAC Planning successfully defended the Council’s decision to refuse the planning applications to avoid prejudicing the brownfield first strategy promoted in the emerging Wirral Local Plan.


The Wirral local plan seeks to promote an entirely brownfield first and ambitious regeneration strategy for Birkenhead and surrounds whilst protecting the Green Belt. The Inspector dismissed the appeals agreeing that the proposals had the potential to undermine the local plan spatial strategy and were premature.

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