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Maldon District Council
Infrastructure Delivery Plan

DAC Planning and Arup were commissioned by the Council to produce an update to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan in Spring 2020.  The Infrastructure Delivery Plan will underpin the finalisation of the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule.


Planning Application Review

We reviewed the status of strategic sites in the Local Plan and identified infrastructure requirements for each site allocation as outlined in the LP and Infrastructure Delivery Plan. We estimated infrastructure costs for each allocation.

Stakeholder Engagement

We engaged with infrastructure providers and council teams to inform the need for new or improved infrastructure in the District.

Baseline Assessment

We produced a baseline assessment of the existing infrastructure in Maldon District Council across different service areas.



Workshops with Elected Members and Officers

We held workshops with elected members and officers to inform them of the update to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.


DAC Planning and Arup worked closely with the Council and viability consultants to complete the Infrastructure Delivery Plan Review for Maldon District Council.

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