PAS Neighbourhood Planning Research
The Planning Advisory Service (PAS) and the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned DAC Planning to research the interactions between Local Plan updates and neighbourhood plans in light of changes introduced in the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
We researched the following themes through interviews and questionnaires with twenty local planning authorities across England:
The impacts of Local Plan production on neighbourhood planning
Local planning authority support for neighbourhood planning
Site allocations in neighbourhood plans
The report Researching the interactions between local plan making and neighbourhood plans produced by DAC Planning was published in 2021.
The report identifies further ways in which the LGA may be able to support local planning authorities in the future in effectively enabling the progression of neighbourhood plans alongside work on Local Plans.
This helps to identify where there may be a need for further research or the production of best practice to support plan-making within the sector.
The report sets out eight recommendations for local planning authorities to support neighbourhood planning groups:
Invest in dedicated support
Produce streamlined and effective neighbourhood plans
Help neighbourhood planning groups meet local housing need
Support neighbourhood planning groups in updating their plans
Promote collaborative working
Support neighbourhood planning groups in the shift to a digital planning system
Exchange best practice regionally
Hold workshops during the local plan making process with neighbourhood planning groups