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Meet the Team - Charlotte Steele MRTPI

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Charlotte Steele hails from Vancouver, Canada and lived in several countries before moving to England for her graduate studies.

Charlotte joined DAC Planning at the start of the covid pandemic and worked remotely for a year, first from Canada, then from England.

She works with town and parish councils to produce neighbourhood plans, and supports local authorities with plan production and infrastructure planning.

What is your current title and role at DAC Planning?

I work as a Planner. I support the production of local plans and neighbourhood plans, as well as infrastructure planning. My day to day is really varied. Recently I worked on a planning appeal on behalf of a Council, project management support for a local authority and a neighbourhood plan toolkit. Since we are a small business, I also manage our social media.

Why did you join DAC Planning?

I was interested in DAC Planning's public sector orientation and neighbourhood plan work which was aimed at working directly with communities.

Which profession did you want to enter as a child?

Archaeologist. I was fascinated by ancient Egypt and ancient Greece.

How did you enter town planning?

I studied history for my undergraduate degree and worked in museums and archives. In these jobs I found myself wanting to do something orientated to the future as well as the past. I was also interested in urban areas and their management. Planning sounded like a profession where I could combine my interests, and help shape the future, with respect to the past.

What do you find most rewarding about the profession of town planner?

It is easy to get lost in the small day to day tasks in planning. But when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you notice the long-term impact that your projects have on shaping the growth of urban and rural areas.

What is the most challenging aspect of the profession?

Some projects are abandoned due to a change in political direction, lack of investment or new planning reforms. This is disappointing when you think about the amount of time and resources invested in these projects which start off with strong aspirations.

Describe town planning in three words.

Community, housing, politics.

Describe your favourite project so far at DAC Planning?

We were commissioned last October by St Helens Borough Council to promote neighbourhood planning in the borough (there are no made or emerging neighbourhood plans in the borough). I enjoy the variety of engagement projects we have developed and delivered, and the people-facing work we are undertaking with the residents of St Helens.

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What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I'm either travelling, urban sketching or discovering new places near my home.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Planning is a fascinating job with many specialisms to choose from and variety in the day to day. It is not a very well-known profession, but the work is rewarding and meaningful.

Are you a coffee or tea person, or neither?

Tea! Either earl grey or iced green tea.

What’s your favourite book or movie?

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf.

What's the most interesting place you've ever visited?

In the UK – Saltaire World Heritage Site and abroad – Barkerville in Canada, a preserved historic town from the Cariboo Gold Rush.


DAC Planning provides specialist local plan support and advice.

For a discussion on how we can assist you, please get in touch with the team: / 01206 259281.

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