Welwyn Garden City Planning Appeal
In 2021, DAC Planning was commissioned by the Welwyn Garden City Heritage Trust and Keep the G in WGC to provide planning advice and represent the Rule 6 Party at appeal for a planning application in the industrial area of Welwyn Garden City.
Statement of Case and Proof of Evidence
We produced a Statement of Case and Proof of Evidence on behalf of the Rule 6 Party in regards to the planning application. The reports considered national and local planning policy guidance, housing need in Welwyn Garden City and the appellants evidence. We also covered the impact of the planning proposal on Garden City principles and the heritage of Welwyn Garden City.
Public Inquiry
We worked closely with the community groups to provide planning advice in advance of and during the inquiry. In advance of the inquiry, we met with the Council on behalf of the Rule 6 Party.
The planning appeal was allowed. The planning application sought the demolition of an existing building and the construction of 289 residential units and a community hub.